Okay, I put a poll on here about when you thought I would finish the book and the majority of you (2) said March of this year. Unfortunately, I don't think that is going to happen. I am currently outlining the rest of the book and trying to come up with a good conclusion. It may only be a small book, but I will finish it. I promise! I have only outlined the first 15 chapters. I realized that my chapters are quite short. I talked to a new friend about my book that I'm writing. I told him that it was about a young girl who was dealing with her mom's depression.
He said, "so her mom's crazy!"
I looked at him and said, "no, she's depressed."
"Crazy!" he replied.
"Um no, crazy is a state of mind, and not being able to deal with it."
"Well, depressed people do crazy things."
"Um, severely depressed people sometimes do some things which don't always make sense to other people, but that doesn't make them crazy."
"Yes it does!" he argued.
"Ah, forget it." Man, is this how the average person sees it? No wonder so many people don't want to talk about their depression with others! Please!
Well, I started a group on Facebook called "Support for Mormons with Mental Health Concerns". We only have 12 members so far. I hope to grow. It just seems that people who are diagnosed with or know someone who deals with mental health issues and who are LDS needed a fourm. Oh! I just looked we have 14 members!
I discovered a new show that has made me laugh. It's called "Castle". It's about some writer who gets to tag along with a detective on her cases. The guy who plays the writer is hilarious. The dective is great and the situations they get themselves into make me laugh. My roommates son had downloaded them onto a device that we were able to hook up to the TV and we had a Castle party. I guess it really was, I had a Castle party. But I liked it.
My new friend gave me a bracelette for Christmas that has beads on it that say, "dream, believe, achieve." I really like the sequence. I've been wearing it everyday. Unfortunately, it looks like my allergies to metals have fired up again because it's turning my wrist green. I wonder if the necklaces I make for others turn their necks green. Who knows?
I was able to make the bulletin today. I walked to the Aztec building today to make copies of the program for tomorrow but there were only 43 pages of paper in the copy machine. So . . . since the only other paper I could find was a stack of 3-hole-punched paper that gets stuck in the machine I was only able to make 43 programs. I walked home. My feet are still not used to all this walking. I am sure they are doing better, but they sure hurt a lot. But I went to the podiatrist this past week and he said that they are progressing well. (after he poked and prodded and practically drove my poor little left foot into shock.)
A friend of mine called today and tried to talk to me while his family was chanting "He likes you! He likes you!" Nice. Poor guy. My family would have gotten the sarah Schrunchie eyed glare if they had done that to me!
I get to start at H&R Block this Monday at 9am. We'll see how it goes. I am anxious because I haven't had a set schedule in 2 years let alone a job. I got my first pay check on the last day of 2009 and was thrilled to have some money! Yea!! Good thing I've learned to budget! heh heh heh
A friend gave me a purse for surviving this past decade. Over 300 ECT treatments, failed memory, scary group homes, depression, voices . . . all things considered, I think I pulled through the decade pretty well. I even like where I am right now in my life. I am going to enjoy the purse!
Well, I had better let you go. Look forward to hearing from you. Love, MOPS
About Me

- Sarah
- I was born and raised in San Diego. Currently I'm a grad student at SDSU (class of 2013) studying Rehabilitation Counseling to help people with disabilities get the accessability and accomodations they need to achieve their potential! I'm an alum of Helix High, Rick's College & BYU. Yes, I'm a Mormon & I served a mission in The Texas Dallas Spanish/ASL Mission. Although it wasn't always true, I'm now successfully living with Schizoaffective Disorder. I've been blessed with a great family and many friends. Enjoy!