Greetings and Sautations!
I am now 35! (and we see kermit the frog Wildly waving his arms as he dances off stage cheering, "Yeeeeeaaaaahhhhhh!"
This past weekend was the BEST! I can't remember a birthday where I have had more fun!
It all began on my birthday-eve. After work I went with my friend Cat to a Bead warehouse called Suncoast Jewlery. They are amazing! Everyday they have a tent sale outside and Friday was no different. AND everything was a whopping 75% off. I was able to use disgression and not buy too much, but boy was it fun! I have been thinking about the jewlery that I make and I will have to show some of it to you. I'm thinking of putting some of it on Ebay. I think it's unique and fun.-MOPS
About Me

- Sarah
- I was born and raised in San Diego. Currently I'm a grad student at SDSU (class of 2013) studying Rehabilitation Counseling to help people with disabilities get the accessability and accomodations they need to achieve their potential! I'm an alum of Helix High, Rick's College & BYU. Yes, I'm a Mormon & I served a mission in The Texas Dallas Spanish/ASL Mission. Although it wasn't always true, I'm now successfully living with Schizoaffective Disorder. I've been blessed with a great family and many friends. Enjoy!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
She's BAAACK!!
My Pageant Days!
Greetings and Salutations to all!
Just a little update. My friend Xochie wondered what the plans were for the birthday . . . so let me tell you. I have NO CLUE!! I am turning the big three-five on Saturday and I have no clue what I'm going to do on that day, but my friend, Deanna H (a YW leader from my youth) is throwing me a party the Saturday after conference/Easter. She is sending out invites and all sorts of funny things. The theme is something like "SHE'S BAAACK!" since I am doing so well, acting like I once did and living life as it should be lived again. She is using that picture on the invite.
I know, none of you knew I was in pageants. I wasn't. But my mom loved helping me dress up and I was a Toys for Tots Princess and got to wave in parades and such . . . I personally wasn't a fan of the entire hair piece and makeup thing. (although I would have loved to have curly hair, the reality was I didn't. Mine was straight as a piece of bamboo. That's straight right? I can't remember how you say that . . . anyway! That's one thing I hate and love about having ECT. I can't remember all the idioms and people stare at me funny when I say something they've never heard before. But recently my brain has cleared to the point that I am able to use some vocab that I learned growing up and actually remembering it on the spot. (I guess dreaming at night has taken on a whole new level now that I'm using the GRE test vocab in the dreams. I guess I sub consciously I am learning it! Too bad I can't take the test while asleep. I'd probably do better)
Boy! This post has lost it's point and I'm only on the 3rd paragraph!
I learned tonight that my mom's in the hospital. She was admitted after having been severely ill for a few days. Honestly she has been very ill for quite sometime, but she won't admit to me how ill she really is. Like all moms, she doesn't want to worry her children. But the hospital can't figure out why her body is riddled with infection when she's been on massive doses of antibiotics for 3 months now. No, that is not a typo. She's been on antibiotics for 3 whole months. Today she was too the point that she wasn't able to walk or stand well without aid and she just plain doesn't feel good. So, if you could keep her, her Doctors and my dad in your prayers I would really appreciate it.
I was able to go to the Deaf Branch today. I really do enjoy the branch so much. Today two men who are Deaf and Blind passed the sacrament. There was something about it. Something about them passing the sacrament, being led with a hand on their leader's shoulder, going around to the congregation that made me think about our Savior's atonement for me in a completely different way. Like these two men who each had their own guide, I cannot live this life without the Saviour to guide me. Like these two men, whom others have pitied because of their "limitations", I can achieve more than I know, because of the Saviour's strength in my life. Many people pity the Deaf. They really pity the Deaf and Blind. But, as these two men so regularly demonstrate, they aren't limited! They are beyond smart! When I interpret for them I sit in front of one man and he rests his hand on my hand as I am signing. He understands everything just from feeling me sign with one hand! I love seeing them at church because often members of the branch will sit in front of them (one person in front of each man) and they will copy what is being said to the men who are Deaf and blind. The Deaf have the opportunity to interpret and feel what it is like for the interpreters who listen to the English and interpret into ASL for them. The Lord gives us so many opportunities to learn and serve one another. Back to the Sacrament today. I felt so grateful today for the opportunities I have been given because although many people view my illness as a severe disability, with the right tools (meds, therapy, ECT, your support and who knows what else . . .) I can live a normal life just like these men are able to participate fully in their lives.
It's interesting because what most the world's population considers a disability is actually an opportunity to be creative and learn how to do something in a way other's haven't even imagined.
My ASL teacher, Vadja, grew up in a situation where his parents wouldn't learn sign language to communicate with him. They only used gestures. When Vadja was 9 (I think) his Deaf uncle came to visit and Vadja had never seen sign language before. Only the home signs that his dad had created. His dad grew up with his Deaf brother and didn't learn sign language to talk with him either. So when Vadja's uncle arrived, Vadja just stared in disbelief as his uncle started teaching him sign language. He said that within a few weeks it was like he'd known sign all his life. I just can't imagine going all my life with parents who couldn't or wouldn't talk to me.
Vadja taught the Deaf for 30+ years. He said that 75% of all deaf kids have hearing parents. Of those hearing parents only about 70% (or more) have parents who refuse to learn sign. Can you believe that? He said that most often deaf kids are behind because (for example) some hearing kids can ask easily 500 questions a day, wondering what things are and how they work . . . but a deaf kid with parents who don't know sign will ask the same questions and realize their parents can't answer them, so they just stop asking. It's not because they're any less curious. It's simply because they can't get the answers they need, so they stop asking.
I think about my friend Laurel (who is Deaf) who's parents who were both Deaf (which is VERY rare) and with siblings who were all Deaf. I bet she had all her questions answered. Okay, not all, who can have all their questions answered??? But still, she was very fortunate her communication wasn't limited. Today I met a young woman who's mom is Deaf, yet the girl can't communicate with her mom because she refuses to learn sign. I just don't get that.
That situation was interesting. I went to dinner after church at the Riddle's house. That girl was there, visiting from Tijuana and spoke no English. She was relying on her sister to interpret for her what her mom was saying and what the English speakers were saying. Then I look at one of the missionaries there and he is completely Deaf and doesn't understand what other's who didn't know sign language there were saying. I was interpreting for both. In an instant I actually remembered something from my mission. I remembered that when I was in the Missionary training center learning Spanish I was scared I was going to forget my ASL since I wouldn't be with my friend Laurel everyday, or with other Deaf friends like I was before my mission. So I started saying my personal prayers voicing them in Spanish and signing them in ASL at the same time. I think I may have even done that after my mission to remember my Spanish because I wasn't using it everyday and I was back to interpreting for my Deaf friends.
Well, thank you all for taking the time to read this. I am working on updating it more often . . . we'll see how that works ;) I love getting your comments, because then I know you really are reading this and I'm not just sending it out to a void. I love you guys! -MOPS
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Home Sweet Home!
Today my brother, Klint and his family left San Diego. I had so much fun with them.
I got to go out to dinner tonight with my grandparents, Klint, Heather and their family. It was so fun.
Last night we all went to Grossmont Mall for dinner. When we were walking to the car three of my nieces were bartering to drive home in my parents' car. My dad turned to me and asked if I would be willing to go in my brother's car so that my dad and mom could take the girls in their car. When we arrived at my parents' house afterwards my dad pulled me aside and told me that the girls were upset when they got to the car and I wasn't there. I guess riding in Grandma and Grandpa's car wasn't the selling point. Instead it was riding with Aunt Sarah. I guess I'm training them right! I love being an Aunt. I wish we lived closer to one another so I could see all those funny kids more often. Maybe I can take a tour of AZ and GA so I can see the rest of my family.
My niece, Taylor is writing a book. She wanted me to help her with it. So, I taught her how to outline and write the details of situations. She'll probably finish her book before I finish mine! Maybe I should start working on that again.
Tonight my brother, Jeff, called. He was absolutely hilarious! We talked about all of nothing and had a great time---all in Spanish. I had forgotten he served a Spanish speaks mission. I am always amazed at how well we can remember our Spanish after having left the mission field so long ago. What a blessing.
I am happy to announce that the room is clean! Ta-dah! I know you're all pleased. I hope and pray that you are all doing fantastic!
H&R Block is going well. My District Manager, Pat, talked to me about staying on after tax season. So, we'll see.
I need to make sure that all my paperwork is in and ready to go for my SDSU graduate application. I want to take the GRE test the week after next. AHHH!!! And she runs screaming down the street, wildly waving her hands overhead.
My Dr perscribed ankle braces for my feet. They are large. They must be worn with tennis shoes. They are covered in velcro and laces. They are a hassle and they itch regardless of how thinck the socks are. However, last Sunday I was walking to my friend's house and I stepped wrong on the edge of the curb. Surprise of Surprises, I didn't hurt my ankle!! Yeah!! I am so grateful for theses braces, even if they are annoying.
Norton, the beta is doing well. I finally got that silly filter to work! Amazing Grace!
Well, I am off to make the ward bulletin. Love ya!
I got to go out to dinner tonight with my grandparents, Klint, Heather and their family. It was so fun.
Last night we all went to Grossmont Mall for dinner. When we were walking to the car three of my nieces were bartering to drive home in my parents' car. My dad turned to me and asked if I would be willing to go in my brother's car so that my dad and mom could take the girls in their car. When we arrived at my parents' house afterwards my dad pulled me aside and told me that the girls were upset when they got to the car and I wasn't there. I guess riding in Grandma and Grandpa's car wasn't the selling point. Instead it was riding with Aunt Sarah. I guess I'm training them right! I love being an Aunt. I wish we lived closer to one another so I could see all those funny kids more often. Maybe I can take a tour of AZ and GA so I can see the rest of my family.
My niece, Taylor is writing a book. She wanted me to help her with it. So, I taught her how to outline and write the details of situations. She'll probably finish her book before I finish mine! Maybe I should start working on that again.
Tonight my brother, Jeff, called. He was absolutely hilarious! We talked about all of nothing and had a great time---all in Spanish. I had forgotten he served a Spanish speaks mission. I am always amazed at how well we can remember our Spanish after having left the mission field so long ago. What a blessing.
I am happy to announce that the room is clean! Ta-dah! I know you're all pleased. I hope and pray that you are all doing fantastic!
H&R Block is going well. My District Manager, Pat, talked to me about staying on after tax season. So, we'll see.
I need to make sure that all my paperwork is in and ready to go for my SDSU graduate application. I want to take the GRE test the week after next. AHHH!!! And she runs screaming down the street, wildly waving her hands overhead.
My Dr perscribed ankle braces for my feet. They are large. They must be worn with tennis shoes. They are covered in velcro and laces. They are a hassle and they itch regardless of how thinck the socks are. However, last Sunday I was walking to my friend's house and I stepped wrong on the edge of the curb. Surprise of Surprises, I didn't hurt my ankle!! Yeah!! I am so grateful for theses braces, even if they are annoying.
Norton, the beta is doing well. I finally got that silly filter to work! Amazing Grace!
Well, I am off to make the ward bulletin. Love ya!
Monday, March 15, 2010
The Joke's on me!
Greetings faithful followers . . . all three of you. ;)
Well, as I said, the joke's on me. That Irishman was a sweet talking guy, with nothing to show for it. We never even saw each other after he got my number, although he called me several times. He would tease me about wanting to kiss me and I have to admit it was a very tempting idea. He seemed really nice and I really enjoyed talking with him. Yesterday he announced on facebook that he was in a relationship with some other girl, so . . . ha! Bummer! But, I'd rather know than just be sweet talked.
My niece, Kristen is in town and she is a bundle of energy and fun. At times things get a little out of control, but she's a youngin' so we have fun. We went for a ride on the roller coaster at Bellmont Park last Saturday and scared her silly. She was screaming and crying, poor thing! She started wailing just as we started climbing the first swell (or whatever it's called). And it only got louder and more desperate after that. I looked over at her and she honestly looked like she was in the middle of having her life pass before her very eyes. Meanwhile, I couldn't stop laughing. I was having an absolute blast! Afterwards she said she never wanted to go on it again and was scared out of her goard to even get herself out of the roller coaster car. She cried hard for a good 10 minutes afterwards before settling down. However, an hour later she was saying she LOVED it and wanted to do it again. She couldn't wait to tell people about it. That got me to laughing again.
One of my niece's favorite games to play in the car is tuti-fruiti. I guess that's what my dad called it. It's really "I'm thinking of a fruit [or vegtable] what is it? It was just me, Kristen and my dad on Saturday. When it was my dad's turn he kept thinking of a fruit and we'd ask him all these different questions only to discover it was a banana THREE TIMES IN A ROW! So now the joke is:
I'm thinking of a fruit . . .
Is it yellow?
Is it a banana?
Oh goodness. The joys of consistency.
I just found out one of my friends from HS is engaged to be married. I'm excited for him and his fiance. I have no way of getting in touch with him, I guess I could if I tried harder, but MOTO if you're out there . . . CONGRATS!! I'm excited for you.
My little fish has taken to hiding behind the filter. The firt time he did it I honestly thought he'd jumped ship. But the little guy is getting more adept at staying in that little corner and I think he likes just hanging out there.
We're getting the plans laid out for the big 35 Birthday! Any ideas? My friend and I are working on something fun, just tell me if you want to know more . . .
My room has turned into a virtural pig sty and I'm not talking about a virtual as in solely on the internet. I was doing so well keeping the room clean. It was probbly cleaner than any other time of my life. And for those of you who have been my roommates, or come over for a sleep over, you know just how bad it can get. BUT, I am turning over a new leaf and I'm going to clean it all by the time I go to work tomorrow. Promise.
The entire changing time thing has thrown me off a bit. I can't believe it's already almost 9pm.
My group, "Support For Mormons With Mental Health Concerns" now has 70 members and growing strong. I have made some new friends through it and feel that it's a good sounding board. Spread the word, we'd love to meet more people!
Well, I'm going to sign off and go catch up on that movie my family is watching downstairs. If any of you have seen a good movie tell me about it. I just saw Lightening Thief. It was pretty well written and the graphics were well done, but the fighting was like watching those movies from the early '80's where everything is prepositioned and, well, you get the idea. I really had fun watching it though.
Until later, MOPS
Well, as I said, the joke's on me. That Irishman was a sweet talking guy, with nothing to show for it. We never even saw each other after he got my number, although he called me several times. He would tease me about wanting to kiss me and I have to admit it was a very tempting idea. He seemed really nice and I really enjoyed talking with him. Yesterday he announced on facebook that he was in a relationship with some other girl, so . . . ha! Bummer! But, I'd rather know than just be sweet talked.
My niece, Kristen is in town and she is a bundle of energy and fun. At times things get a little out of control, but she's a youngin' so we have fun. We went for a ride on the roller coaster at Bellmont Park last Saturday and scared her silly. She was screaming and crying, poor thing! She started wailing just as we started climbing the first swell (or whatever it's called). And it only got louder and more desperate after that. I looked over at her and she honestly looked like she was in the middle of having her life pass before her very eyes. Meanwhile, I couldn't stop laughing. I was having an absolute blast! Afterwards she said she never wanted to go on it again and was scared out of her goard to even get herself out of the roller coaster car. She cried hard for a good 10 minutes afterwards before settling down. However, an hour later she was saying she LOVED it and wanted to do it again. She couldn't wait to tell people about it. That got me to laughing again.
One of my niece's favorite games to play in the car is tuti-fruiti. I guess that's what my dad called it. It's really "I'm thinking of a fruit [or vegtable] what is it? It was just me, Kristen and my dad on Saturday. When it was my dad's turn he kept thinking of a fruit and we'd ask him all these different questions only to discover it was a banana THREE TIMES IN A ROW! So now the joke is:
I'm thinking of a fruit . . .
Is it yellow?
Is it a banana?
Oh goodness. The joys of consistency.
I just found out one of my friends from HS is engaged to be married. I'm excited for him and his fiance. I have no way of getting in touch with him, I guess I could if I tried harder, but MOTO if you're out there . . . CONGRATS!! I'm excited for you.
My little fish has taken to hiding behind the filter. The firt time he did it I honestly thought he'd jumped ship. But the little guy is getting more adept at staying in that little corner and I think he likes just hanging out there.
We're getting the plans laid out for the big 35 Birthday! Any ideas? My friend and I are working on something fun, just tell me if you want to know more . . .
My room has turned into a virtural pig sty and I'm not talking about a virtual as in solely on the internet. I was doing so well keeping the room clean. It was probbly cleaner than any other time of my life. And for those of you who have been my roommates, or come over for a sleep over, you know just how bad it can get. BUT, I am turning over a new leaf and I'm going to clean it all by the time I go to work tomorrow. Promise.
The entire changing time thing has thrown me off a bit. I can't believe it's already almost 9pm.
My group, "Support For Mormons With Mental Health Concerns" now has 70 members and growing strong. I have made some new friends through it and feel that it's a good sounding board. Spread the word, we'd love to meet more people!
Well, I'm going to sign off and go catch up on that movie my family is watching downstairs. If any of you have seen a good movie tell me about it. I just saw Lightening Thief. It was pretty well written and the graphics were well done, but the fighting was like watching those movies from the early '80's where everything is prepositioned and, well, you get the idea. I really had fun watching it though.
Until later, MOPS
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
The Irishman
Well, It's happened. I have been picked up on by an Irishman. Being the cutie that I am, I get picked up on by guys all the time on the bus, trolley and while waiting at those stops to catch that blessed means of transportaton. I've had weirdos slip their numbers into my hand, pocket & purse. I'm talking Wierdos! Why can't I get the good LDS guys to try and pull something off like that?
Anyway, back to the Irishman. I met him a week ago tomorrow. He seemed very plesant and funny. He even walked me to my class, opening the doors on the way. A gentleman! He was cute, when he dropped me off at my class he turned to me and said, "I have this feeling that if I don't get your number now, I'll never see you again. I'd like to take you to lunch." Well, he caught me and reeled me in. So I gave him my number.Now that I think about it, I'm wondering what gave me the guts to give my number to a complete stranger, let alone agree to go to lunch with him. I mean I don't know him from Adam, and he's not a member of the Church. But, for whatever reason I just gave him my number. As I was walking away he said, something to the effect that he didn't want to sound too forward, be me wanted me to know I look pretty. Ah . . . melt the heart.
Anyway, I have to go to bed. I hope you're all having fun. Love, MOPS
Anyway, back to the Irishman. I met him a week ago tomorrow. He seemed very plesant and funny. He even walked me to my class, opening the doors on the way. A gentleman! He was cute, when he dropped me off at my class he turned to me and said, "I have this feeling that if I don't get your number now, I'll never see you again. I'd like to take you to lunch." Well, he caught me and reeled me in. So I gave him my number.Now that I think about it, I'm wondering what gave me the guts to give my number to a complete stranger, let alone agree to go to lunch with him. I mean I don't know him from Adam, and he's not a member of the Church. But, for whatever reason I just gave him my number. As I was walking away he said, something to the effect that he didn't want to sound too forward, be me wanted me to know I look pretty. Ah . . . melt the heart.
Anyway, I have to go to bed. I hope you're all having fun. Love, MOPS
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