Greetings and salutations!
Hi all. I was looking at my things in my room and laughing at a whiteboard that's sitting in front of me. It says, "How fast can you clean your room?" I guess it's a never ending battle. I remember when I was a girl my parents would tell me and my brothers we couldn't come out of our room on Saturdays until we'd cleaned our rooms. I remember stuffing things under my bed, in my drawers and closet, only to have one of my parents come up "to check" and find everything I had so slyly hidden! They'd pull it out and make these piles in my room and I would sit there and cry thinking my parents were so cruel to not let me go outside and play with my friends on a beautiful San Diego Saturday! I don't think it registered until I was much older that the way I could go play with the kids in the street was to clean it right the first time, let alone just keep the silly room clean to begin with! So here I am, on a beautiful Saturday with the fan on. I've made a vow that I will clean the room by 5:30pm . . . I have less than an hour! I guess I'd better just let you go and save this for later!
You will be happy to know MY ROOM IS CLEAN! Dusted, vacuumed, organized and . . . get this . . . drum roll please . . . if you opened my dresser, the stuff in the drawers are even folded and neatly stacked! Ha ha! To make it even funnier I invited my parents to come over "to check." So far they haven't taken me up on the offer.
I cleaned out my closet of all the clothes that are 16 or larger. At my largest I was 247. Now I am a more slender 185! Last weekend I even tried on a pair of size 14 jeans. They were too big! So, since I had the money, I bought the same pair size 12 jeans that FIT! I think I bought them just because they DID fit!
All the time people ask me how I lost the weight. I answer, "Sell your car to pay the bills and walk, bus or trolley everywhere! Cut the soda, juice and make smaller portions." What I don't say is change your psych meds! When I was on the other meds I was hungry ALL the time. It was as though I never got full. I'm still on one that causes hunger, but I think I've balanced it with another that doesn't. Happy Equilibrium!
Yesterday I got my hair slaughtered. I spent a lot of money to have it done too. Today I went to my dear friend Renee and she cut it again and styled it and . . . basically I'm back to the short hair again. It's a different cut though and she taught me how to do it so I look like a HOTTIE! If I may say so myself. ;)
Well, I've been working at H&R Block. I really enjoy the people I work with. My boss has a sense of humor much like my own and it makes me laugh.
I was accepted to the SDSU Rehabilitation Counseling Master's program!! Yee-HAW! If you're interested in what I'll be studying check out this link: You'll have to scroll down a bit, but you can see what types of classes I'll be taking and what kinds of jobs I'll be able to apply for when I'm finished. I'm passionate about this field. Those who've worked in this field have helped to rehabilitate me and give me hope for a brighter future.
Well, I'll have to catch you up on the rest later. Until then, MOPS