About Me

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I was born and raised in San Diego. Currently I'm a grad student at SDSU (class of 2013) studying Rehabilitation Counseling to help people with disabilities get the accessability and accomodations they need to achieve their potential! I'm an alum of Helix High, Rick's College & BYU. Yes, I'm a Mormon & I served a mission in The Texas Dallas Spanish/ASL Mission. Although it wasn't always true, I'm now successfully living with Schizoaffective Disorder. I've been blessed with a great family and many friends. Enjoy!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Holy Cow! It's July!

So here it is the third week of July and I honestly can’t remember anything that I’ve done in the past couple of months … so I’ll try to stick to the basics.

I was officially called to serve in the San Diego Deaf Branch. (Otherwise known as the University City 3rd Branch.) I am an assistant interpreter. I been interpreting in the branch since February I think. I do it for sacrament mtg and Young women’s almost every single Sunday. I got to interpret for Stake conference last month. It’s a pleasure to work with these faithful people and I really enjoy the education I’m receiving from the experience.

I've interpreted for two brethren who are Deaf and Blind. It is an amazing experience to be someone’s eyes and ears. It takes a lot of physical strength because they have to rest their hands on yours as you are signing. It can become quite heavy, but I hope my arms and shoulders are working up to it.

Last month I interpreted for a High Council member who only spoke Spanish. It was a LOT of fun! For once the deaf knew what was going on before all the Hearing people and I loved that experience! Who would have thought serving a Spanish Speaking/ASL mission would have such practical application!

My Aunt Sid, Uncle Bill and Grandma Mueller when they came for a visit this past month! They are looking great and I sure had a great time being with them.

I have also been trying to relearn how to cook. I’ve been making desserts once in a while and sharing them with my grandparents. They don’t seem to mind that I am practicing on them. ;) I've moved so many times that I have lots a lot of things in the process. I seem to have lost any cookbooks I once had (Including my Aunt Lorraine’s!) and with the ECT I am effectively starting over.  The one cookbook I have, my mainstay is a recipe book I was given by my friend Judy. If any of you have any good recipes I would love to have them. Just email them to me!The more the merrier!

I am still working at H&R Block until the end of Aug, when school starts. My hours have been severely cut though, so I have also been cycling and bus riding up to the Bishop’s storehouse to help out up there. It’s been so rewarding to see the people and watch the Lord’s Humanitarian process at work. There are so many people who need our support. Plus, it has air conditioning, something I don't have at my house! :)

We’ve been having a lot of earthquakes in these parts. A couple of days ago, while I was at work, we had a 5. 4 or 5.9 something. It really shook hard. I was on the phone at the time and it jolted the person I was talking with. I guess the increase of earthquakes is only natural since we’re approaching the final chapters of the earth . . . but we’ve had more in San Diego, and larger then I can ever remember having in my entire life. But I guess given my faulty memory that’s not saying much! Ha! ;)

Things are pretty calm around here and I am so grateful for the peace it brings. I have a new goal. At the last stake conference my leaders asked us to have a personal daily devotional at a specific time. They promised us that doing so would increase our abilities in all facets of our life. I thought that was an awesome promise and I am working to bring it to pass.

I have been able to hit the LDS singles scene a bit this past month. It was easier because my friend let me borrow her car while she was out of town. So I went to a fireside, a dance and couple activities. It was a lot of fun to meet a whole bunch of new people.

I wrote an article about my Grandma Price and her needling pursuits for The Seagull (a local LDS newspaper). I got a copy of it this week and loved seeing grandma and grandpa’s smiling faces in it. It was fun to interview Grandma and it was also fun to have something published. I have to live up to my name and email right??

I had fun celebrating my Aunt Chris’ 60 birthday with her, the family and a whole bunch of friends! And it was great to finally meet Katheryn! I am so blessed to have such a great family!

My Aunt Lorraine is here and I've been having a blast with her! Yesterday she taught me how to make 2 pies. I learned how to make a no-roll pie crust and then I we made a coconut creme pie and an apple one with a crumbly crust and caramel all over it! Look at that beauty!She even taught me how to make the crust and everything. When all was said and done, I had a blast and then never even got a piece!
Like I've told you, I make necklaces, earrings and bracelets. But, get this ... I've started selling my jewelry! Yay! I have sold quite a few. Aunt Sid bought a couple when she was in town. I’ve also been able to sell them to people at work. My boss even went to my supplier and bought the beads she wanted and then she paid me to make two necklaces. I just love to test out different color combinations and bead sizes. I have a great source to buy my beads and right now I’m just enjoying the creative process. I'm way excited because My friend, Heidi is making a light box. She is a photographer. I've taken pictures of some of my necklaces with my phone, but they don't really look like anything great. I'm excited to have her take some pictures. If any of you have any requests, or if you’d like to see what I have, just email me.

When I was a kid, one summer my parents took us on a ride out East San Diego County. It was our vacation for the summer. A day vacation. My parents said that we could go and stop anywhere we wanted, we did. We stopped at a HUGE bridge. We wanted out pictures taken at it and so my dad lifted us up onto the bottom rung. We sat down in the hot sun on the metal, burning our butts! The bridge was dubbed Burning Butt Bridge. My parents weren't all that fond of us using the word Butt over and over again so we called it BBB.
Over the July fourth weekend my parents and I went for a drive. (thus the picture of the back of my dad's head!) It was quite a long drive in the same direction we went when I was a kid.

We stopped at BBB and at other places, including a place called "Desert View Tower" It was so much fun.  Evidently the Tower was built in the early 1900's by a man who really liked to carve, if I understand correctly. Do we stopped and climbed the tower and then explored all these carvings made into the rocky mountain.

Mom and Dad (above)

Well, I am working on writing more often. Writing in general that is. I've actually been in the mood to write and I have to take advantage of that, right? I shelved the "thorn in my side" novel and have taken to writing little tid bits of information about my past life, yes, I'm reincarnated from a duck. (Thus all the dreams about flying, right???) too funny!

Tomorrow I am getting my hair trimmed at 6:30 am. Man, I am really grateful for my hairstylist who is willing to squeeze me in before her vacation 

So much for covering just the basics! Hope you're having a fabulous Summer! Take care! Love, MOPS
PS. Last week I think the temperature high in San Diego was 65 or 70. Today it got up to 110 in a community called Santee---pretty close to my house. So, my parents were kind enough to donate their house to me this afternoon as a place to rest while everything was melting outside. My house doesn't have an AC. AHHHH Thank goodness it hasn't really been all that hot until today. Love ya! 

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