Greetings and salutaions! I was in the worst of moods yesterday. Well, I guess I shouldn't say worst . . . I have had much worse. But I felt awfully fat yesterday. I watched the Biggest Loser and there is a girl on it who weighs as much as I do. She is a big girl. I guess I knew I was too, but seeing her in that little weigh in outfit made me think twice. I am the big girl! I hope I don't look it. I know that I have lose 50 Lbs since . . . I think it was 2 years ago when I weighed in at 247. So I am grateful for that. Last night my roommate couldn't figure out why I was crying at the kitchen table and suggested I make some cookies. Um, not a good idea. So instead she made the cookies. I had gone for a little walk and come hope to a huge batch of unbaked oatmeal cookies. They were the really sugary kind as they had 3 CUPS of brown sugar. I have never had that kind before. I love oatmeal cookies to begin with. My goal was to just taste one, but I think I had six-eight. Um Hello Sarah! Maybe I need to set some goals and stick to them.
But I was able to talk to my brother, Jeff and my friend, Winder. They have a way of picking me up when I'm down. I was feeling so far behind in the grand scheme of things. I mean I have yet to get married let alone have kids. And I'm creeping up on my 35th b-day. Ah well. We all have our own divine schedule.
I was going to go on a date tomorrow, but the guy wanted to go at 10:30am and I have a NAMI meeting from 10:30am-12:30pm. I guess he's too busy to go after that. Bummer. I'll see him at church on Sunday and we can talk it over. He's a security guy, so maybe he works all night and sleeps in the day or something.
Today I am applying for a receptionist job at H & R Block. It's only part time and minimum wage, but it will get me more busy, which is something I need so that I'm not sitting around watching TV.
I've got a couple blood tests to run. Hopefully those cookies didn't push me over the edge for my fasting blood glucose test. Cross your fingers. I'm off!
Cookies and ice cream are my downfall. Which is why I converted to frozen yogurt... I usually don't make the effort to go out and get some, whereas it's too easy to grab a carton of ice cream while grocery shopping... then eat it all in two days. Bleh.
I understand how you feel when you compare yourself to others' weights and think- am I really that size? I visualize myself thinner than I am in reality. But it's all about balancing an overall healthy lifestyle. I hope you get the job! I also find that I tend to eat less when I'm busy or working.
Thanks Heidi. I need my foot to get better so we can get running again! I have a goal to work up to a 5k and see if I can go from there. :) I ran a 5k at BYU with a friend of mine. I hadn't even prepared for it, but I figured I was in shape enough to do it. I ran the entire thing . . . with the help of my friend, Sarah who wouldn't let me stop! We got to do that!
I hope you get the job and that you get to go on a fun date soon! =)
I got the job!! I also found out more about the guy who had asked me out and decided it was probably best that we canceled the date.
One of these days I'll go on a hot date. Hopefully it won't be hot because of the heat index!
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