About Me

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I was born and raised in San Diego. Currently I'm a grad student at SDSU (class of 2013) studying Rehabilitation Counseling to help people with disabilities get the accessability and accomodations they need to achieve their potential! I'm an alum of Helix High, Rick's College & BYU. Yes, I'm a Mormon & I served a mission in The Texas Dallas Spanish/ASL Mission. Although it wasn't always true, I'm now successfully living with Schizoaffective Disorder. I've been blessed with a great family and many friends. Enjoy!

Monday, October 25, 2010

What the . . . where did October go??


Here it is, nearly the last of the month and I can't even remember what's happened. so . . . here it goes . . .

This month I was able to go to my classes and get all my work turned in ON TIME. I got a 29 out of 30 on my midterm in one o my classes!! Wahoo! I'm really enjoying school. It's a challenge in a good way. I've done well on all my assignments. It's been a lot of fun working with new people and seeing the different personalities. I love the things I'm learning about the access available to those with disabilities and the amazing things people are able to do if given the right tools. Now I just need to organize my skills and put my time to good use.

I had fun going to Arizona in September to see my niece get baptized. It's always fun to visit the family. I've been collecting nail polish colors for a long time. My nieces love painting their nails!

Then this time they wanted me to do their make-up. When I finished with theirs they wanted to do mine!

One niece did one side of my face ...

and the other niece did the other side of my face!

Never can have too much blue eye shadow!

This coming month I am doing a group presentation on autism. It was an eye opening experience creating this presentation. I learned about the different aspects of Autism, how it effects families and the helpful adaptations. AND, as an added bonus, I learned how to make a PowerPoint presentation.

I am working on getting my jewelry online. My friend took a whole bunch of pictures of my jewelry. They look really nice.

I am doing a research paper on ECT and its effects on cognition, memory and functioning. My outpatient doctor agrees I have some major deficits and is now requesting I have neurological testing done. I am happy about that because if they can pin point the deficits that I have, they can help me get the rehabilitation and help that I need to get back into mental shape . . . if that's even possible. Ha ha! My testing will take place over 4 hours on November 10th. Pray they can accurately assess my situation and get me he help I need.

I have taken up cooking . . . kind of. I've starting trying out different smoothies. I have also made zucchini bread and tried my hand at Banana bread. I need to work on those skills.

I had a date last week. I had a lot of fun. The guy was really nice, and told me he'd call me this week to go out again, but then yesterday he sent me an email saying that he was "going to keep looking." I told him to have fun and that I have friends, so if he's looking for anything specific I may be able to help. LOL Ah well. I got all excited about the date, got all beautified and everything. I looked hot! But . . . he wasn't interested. I guess it takes a special guy to recognize all my unique characteristics. For that reason, I am back where I started.

I have started going to the SDSU CES Institute. I really like the people I've met there and the class that I'm taking. It's called "Easy answers to hard questions". I like it because we learn about a topic that nonmember ask us about and then each student works on a 20 word or less answer in their own words. It sure puts things into perspective.

I'm still volunteering at the Bishops' Storehouse and loving it! Right now I'm working on obtaining a summer internship somewhere---hopefully at a college---to help people with disabilities get the accessibilties in their classrooms. We'll see. I think I need to write up a proposal for an internship and decide what I am really looking for as far as experience is concerned.

My Grandma celebrated her 87th birthday at the beginning of this month. we had a nice dinner at my grandparents' house, complete with lemon creme pie---Grandma's favorite!

and then my grandparents celebrated their 68th wedding anniversary the 17th.

Congratulations! I find that truly amazing! It takes a lot of good communication, sense of humor, flexibility and respect to make it 68 years! I'll be celebrating my 67th in the eternities.

Anyway, I am off to the temple! Take care! Love, MOPS

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