When I applied to obtain a Masters in Rehabilitation Counseling, I looked forward to learning how to become a Master of Rehabilitaion Counseling, not a Master of the English language! Friday, my class was asked to complete a program evaluating our ability to write properly. Evidently, reading the textbook isn’t as important as speaking like one. Now, I ask you, did I sign up for a writing class? No. Did I sign up to pass or fail a computer-generated test on standard English usage writen by a non-native English speaker? No. Did I sign up to teach English as a second language? No. Yet, there I was analyzing sentence structure to determine whether a sentence was complex, compound, simple or complex-compound. Does it really matter whether I can identify parts of speech within a sentence? Not if I can write it correctly! (Yes, for those of you savvy readers, that previous sentence was a fragment! Writers often use them to emphasize a point.) And who in the flying-freak cares? (Did I just begin a sentence with AND?) I’m not studying linguistics, editing or grammar. (Yes, the previous sentence was parallel.) I am studying Rehabilitation Counseling. My last degree was in English. Do I remember how to speak using standard English? I never used it in the first place! I can, however, use proper English. (Which, by the way, received an incorrect mark because I didn’t choose the “standard English” response, opting for the proper English one. Yes, folks, I was deducted for using the word “amongst” instead of “among”. Two words, used interchangeably these days, unless you are being evaluated on standard English usage, in which case you are not amongst friends for writing like a Jane Austin novel! (Boy, I’m just running on and on!) If I need to decide when to use lay, lie, who or whom, I’ll do it on my own time! I mean seriously, when discerning between two restaurants, are you deciding which one is “more” casual or “most” casual? More than what? Most of both? Does it really matter? Yes, evidently it does matter, because I was deducted on that question as well. Goodness, that’s what happens when you over analyze something. Maybe it is better that I didn’t become a copy editor. Obviously, I wouldn’t have been a very good one---especially with all this passive voice! Phooey! Ahhhhh! As I run screaming from the room, I leave you to fend for yourselves amongst the weary world of weirdos wielding wacko, wannabe weapons with whithered words! I mean hey, if I can't get my word across, alliteration always aces ALL! ;) Need I say more?
Love, MOPS
About Me

- Sarah
- I was born and raised in San Diego. Currently I'm a grad student at SDSU (class of 2013) studying Rehabilitation Counseling to help people with disabilities get the accessability and accomodations they need to achieve their potential! I'm an alum of Helix High, Rick's College & BYU. Yes, I'm a Mormon & I served a mission in The Texas Dallas Spanish/ASL Mission. Although it wasn't always true, I'm now successfully living with Schizoaffective Disorder. I've been blessed with a great family and many friends. Enjoy!
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