About Me

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I was born and raised in San Diego. Currently I'm a grad student at SDSU (class of 2013) studying Rehabilitation Counseling to help people with disabilities get the accessability and accomodations they need to achieve their potential! I'm an alum of Helix High, Rick's College & BYU. Yes, I'm a Mormon & I served a mission in The Texas Dallas Spanish/ASL Mission. Although it wasn't always true, I'm now successfully living with Schizoaffective Disorder. I've been blessed with a great family and many friends. Enjoy!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

More news

My parents are out of town and they won't be coming home for 9 days. They went to Atlanta, GA to see my brother and his family and to see their new baby get blessed. I am bummed that I couldn't go, but who has money for that anyway?

I would love to see my new nephew and my other neices and nephew. I haven't seen them for quite a while.

I have some things that I am working on. I need to work on my book. I haven't worked on that for a while. I have been reading a lot more lately. That's been a lot of fun.

My Aunt came in town from Dallas, TX. It was a lot of fun to see her and her daughter came too. I saw her at dinner at another Aunt's house. It was fun to see them. I can't even remember the last time I saw them.

Anyway, I'm off. Have a great day! -MOPS


Sharla said...

How's the new house? I'll call you soon!

Anna-Katarina said...

Hey, just stumbled upon your blog from Bro Jo's page. I really like it. Hope you don't mind my reading it every once in a while.

Sarah said...

Thanks for the comment. I hope you enjoy the blog. What strikes you as interesting?

Anna-Katarina said...

You're welcome, I think I like that you seem genuine. So many blogs (at least LDS blogs) are overly "happy-pappy" and it's fun to read but at times I can't help thinking that ppl are just suger coding stuff and so it's refreshing to read yours because you seem honest and open in your posts.

Sarah said...

Thanks Katrina. I learned a while ago that writing things as they are is important because there are many people like me who are looking for someone they can relate to. Sugar coating it does nothing but make me seem like a manic person!