Greetings fellow fans! Hope you are all doing well. I am just hanging out in the SDSU institute and having a lot of fun. Sister North challenged me to a game of ping pong and I must have learned how to play somewhere because I gave her a run for the money.
I went to the B of M Class today and it was fantastic. It is fun to relearn the Book Of Mormon stories that my teacher told to me. It's frustrating too, because in my mind I'm saying to myself "Don't I know this already??" But I am relearning it in any case.
I have met (And remet) some fantastic people here and I am enjoying being around them.
I had the opportunity to walk to the trolley today with a girl who works at a mentoring program for people who have disabilities. It was so much fun to talk with her and learn about what she is doing to help others. It reminds me how much fun I have had meeting new people and making friends with people who have various "disabilities." So many of them are just a light to me!
Earlier this week I went to the SDSU student Disability center to see if I could volunteer as a notetaker or as a reader for students who may need it. I know that I did that at BYU and I think it would be an excellent thing to continue in that. Evidently they don't even have those kinds of services at SDSU. So We'll see what we can do. Hmmm . . . any ideas?
I am so fascinated by people, I really am. I am fascinated by our differences and our cultures and just the amazing variety we have with backgrounds and languages. I am fascinated by the things we can learn from each other! Note: Fascinated is the word of the day. :)
Today I was called by the NAMI peer to Peer program. For those of you who aren't familiar with NAMI its the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill. I guess I signed up for the program a while ago but I had to wait on a waiting list (if I understand correctly). Anyway, I was invited to come to the Meetings beginning Saturday Oct. 24. there are 10 meetings. Once I have completed the meetings I will be invited to become part of and get trained to become a mentor for others with mental illness. After doing that for a while I can become trained to teach others around the community about mental illness. I am truly excited to become part of that.
Well, my parents went off to Utah for vacation. I really wish I could have gone with them and seen all you guys who are up around there! But, as my mom put it, it's time for their second honeymoon. So I hope they have a LOT of fun! Too bad I couldn't have borrowed a skateboard and a rope and just hung on behind them! Tee hee!
Well, I'd better be off. I have things to do, people to meet and places to see! Love you guys!
About Me

- Sarah
- I was born and raised in San Diego. Currently I'm a grad student at SDSU (class of 2013) studying Rehabilitation Counseling to help people with disabilities get the accessability and accomodations they need to achieve their potential! I'm an alum of Helix High, Rick's College & BYU. Yes, I'm a Mormon & I served a mission in The Texas Dallas Spanish/ASL Mission. Although it wasn't always true, I'm now successfully living with Schizoaffective Disorder. I've been blessed with a great family and many friends. Enjoy!
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